El Brasil – COE Lot #8 – Colombia

Finca El Brasil • COE Lot #8 • Colombia

3rd generation Farmer Duvier Guevara has been producing coffee for 25 years. As a child he always dreamed of representing the Colombia coffee growing industry. In his first time competing in Cup of Excellence, his passion to share this high quality shows. For him this is clear proof of how the hard work can pay off. Duvier gives credit to his wife Yolanda Sanchez who has been supporting him in every task, and that his family works very hard and is both happy and motivated with this new achievement. Celebrate this result with us, in this truly spectacular coffee that shines with notes of apple, red currant and toffee, with a soft mandarin acidity and syrupy apple pie-like sweetness.
– Scott Conary, Coffee Buyer

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Duvier Tibaguy Guevara Colombia
Finca El Brasil Caturra, Typica
Planadas, Tolima – 2000 masl Washed