Scott Conary to serve as trainer for PNBC Judge Certification Workshop

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In addition to owning and operating Carrboro Coffee Roasters, our own Scott Conary is a member of the National Support Committee for World Coffee Events; and a current and frequent Head Judge to World Barista Championship (WBC) and US Barista Championship (USBC) competitions.

This month, we send Scott off to the Philippines to conduct a Judge Certification Workshop as Head Judge for the first ever Philippine National Barista Championship (PNBC). Certified and licensed judges to the PNBC play a crucial role in determining the most qualified Filipino Barista to represent the country to the 2013 World Barista Championship in Melbourne, Australia. It entails serious commitment, and an unprecedented opportunity to be involved at the very core of the competition. It opens doors in advancing one’s knowledge on espresso. But most of all, becoming a PNBC Judge is one’s ticket to attend, and be considered for the judges certification to the World Barista Championship – the premier coffee competition of the world.

We’re proud to be a part of the global coffee community! To read more about this workshop, please visit the Association of Filipino Baristas website.

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