Coffee Review gives Carrboro Coffee Roasters’ Cup of Excellence coffee – El Pinabetal, a high score!

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Coffee Review; the worlds leading coffee buying guide, gave this COE winner, roasted by Carrboro Coffee Roasters, an 89 out of a 100 point scale, verifying that this award winner is an exceptional Specialty Coffee. Coffee Review conducts blind, expert cuppings of coffees and reports the findings in the form of 100-point reviews, much like those that exist in the wine industry. Since being founded in February 1997, it has quickly has become the worlds largest and most respected coffee buying guide. The goal at the Coffee Review is to entertain and educate coffee drinkers, food service professionals, and the coffee trade with a credible and easy-to-use coffee guide based on objective, blind reviews from some of the most experienced individuals in the specialty coffee industry, thus offering a third party validation of the quality coffee experience. Read the review here

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