We are excited to announce that after much effort we are offering a truly unique experience combining efficiency and great taste…our own specialty instant coffee will surprise you with its quality and distinct flavor profile.
This coffee, from Producer Partner Nacho Gutierez at Finca El Barrancon in El Salvador, has delicious flavors of plum and berries, a sweet molasses syrupy mouthfeel, and a clean finish.
This coffee can be your trusted companion when hiking, long flights, camping or visits to family over the Holidays!
No need to carry around all the gear to enjoy amazing coffee on the run!
Each box contains 6 individual serving packets that can be dissolved in 8-10 oz of water, hot or cold! Easy to use and easy to transport.
Find it on our website: https://shopcarrborocoffee.com/, and at our Flagship Cafes Open Eye Cafe & Caffe Driade.