Sensory Educational Training (SET) Virtual Calibration April 2023 Led by CCR President

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Sensory Education Training (SET) VC is a global calibration event that will be led by Cup of Excellence (CoE) Head Judge Scott Conary in April 2023. Students around the globe will cup and score coffee sourced from award winning CoE farmers and


renowned green-coffee importers. This unique event will allow students to evaluate their cupping scores in comparison with those of a global community of coffee professionals.

For more info go to the Cup of Excellence website

Course Details:

Prior to the event start date, SET VC students will receive a box containing roasted samples for three cuppings,  CoE score sheets, an official CoE cupping spoon, and other goodies from our sponsors. SET VC will kick off with a special presentation by Head Judge Scott Conary. Scott will teach students how to cup and score using the CoE score sheet, and explain what makes CoE award-winning coffees so special. At this time, students will learn how to set up the event cuppings in the comfort of their homes or cupping labs.

In April, students should cup the coffees mailed to them, score the coffees, and return their completed score sheets to the event coordinators.

During these 10 days, students will have access to special video sessions lead by CoE staff along with Scott himself, and have the opportunity to have their questions answered. Students may also communicate directly with their fellow participants via this event’s What’sApp group.

After submitting their score sheets, students will receive individualized evaluations of their work and reports compiled by Scott. These reports will be based off the same data CoE uses to select cuppers for their National Juries. The report will provide insight regarding students’ cupping skills and their assessments of the coffees that were evaluated.

At the end of the month, students will join Scott for a virtual presentation of the data collected from all participants, and will answer questions about the coffees’ attributes, the cupping data, and more.

Participation in the SET VC session will give students the following opportunities:

  • Learn how to cup and score coffee using the CoE score sheet
  • Cup and score award-winning and unique coffee
  • Compare cupping scores within a global coffee community
  • Gain understanding into what high-scoring specialty coffee is
  • Develop and further their own cupper confidence and accuracy

What’s included in the class fee:

  • 2 instructional webinars
  • Office hour access
  • Coffee kit
  • Access to class WhatsApp group
  • Certificate upon completion of class

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